Toby Young took time off
from doodling “Gove is gorgeous” in bubble writing on his exercise book to warn
that Tory education plans could be reversed. According to Young “Michael Gove's reforms are not irreversible.
The Blob will return if Labour wins in 2015 “.
Readers might struggle with
Toby's second sentence. Who, or what, is the Blob? The question is becoming more important as journalists try and demonstrate they are up to date with the latest Westminster trends by talking about the Gove v Blob battle.
Fans of 50’s trashy horror
will recognise a reference to an
expanding alien life form that almost swallows a Mid Western town: In the 1955
film “The Blob” is an amoeba-like alien that crashes into small town America.
The Blob expands as it consumes all in its path. It becomes as big as a building before being
destroyed by plucky townspeople, led by Steve McQueen.
So why does Young fear a
faceless interstellar parasite is going to swallow up Gove’s achievements ? Does
Gove himself, who also often talks of the Blob, fear enemies from outer space ?
Gove gave a clue to
Blob-ologists in a hysterical red-baiting article be wrote for the Mail. Gove
said “School reformers
in the past often complained about what was called The Blob”. The ‘School Reformer’ who first raised Blob-fears is
American conservative William J Bennett. He was Ronald Reagan’s Education Secretary from
1985-88. He wanted to stuff US schools full of endless tests, reduce the
curriculum to mechanistic “facts” introduce new private schools providers, cut
teachers salaries and reduce their professional skills. Unsurprisingly he met
opposition from teachers, local education authorities and university
teacher-training academics – so more or less everyone delivering
education. He called this group “the
blob”: I think he thought saying “everyone
in education opposes my reforms” made him sound a bit mad. Whereas saying “
a giant galactic monster goo opposes my
reforms” sounds, er, less mad.
As Gove and
his sidekick Toby are so keen to follow
William J Bennett’s Reaganite education plan – even though our schools are on
the whole better than those in the USA – it’s worth watching what happened to
Bennett. He wasn’t consumed by creatures from another planet, but he did have a
horrible end. First he went to work for a private education firm called K12.
They sold online schools technology, making profit by replacing “bricks and mortar”
schools with “virtual” education. However, investigations by the New York Times
and Washington post found his firm squeezing
profits from public-school funding by raising enrollment, increasing teacher
workload, and lowering standards. His “cyber schools” were found to be failing.
Bennett didn’t stay with K12 – he has to resign after claiming on his radio
show that “you could abort every black
baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down”. So when Young or Gove start talking about the “Blob”
in education, understand they mean that they are following a racist Reaganite
who wanted to make profit selling technologically glossy by substandard kit to
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